
Something about me:
My biggest passion..
My biggest hobbie is to travel!
And I don’t mean only to visit new places,
but to find my own destiny… through experiences
observing the world with my own eyes and to  find my own true
my own philosophy, my own lifestyle!
I firmly believe that our life is a long trip, to our own soul.
You take decision: make your own way  or follow your destinity,
You may have some expectations, and at the end,  life has always something   prepared for you…
what you have to learn, who you will have to meet.
I am discovering myself, and I find the most inspiring experience, is through getting to know new places, new perspectives, new religions and beliefs, new lifestyles, new languages… and this is why I write, because I tend to forget what I see! I want to capture all the moments  and  feelings, I want to teach and share what I see…
This is my life, this is my trip!
My box of likes:
Creation of ideas, entrepreneurship, progress, traveling, strategy, consulting, marketing, supply chain, intelligence, successful people, spirituality, running, languages, theatre, love, relationship, salads, Thai food, chocolat, Personal development, motivation, emotions, measurements, goals, meditation, writing, scouting, family, lasagne from my mum, fire, music, modern arts, culture, different views, conversations, dance, couch surfing,  friends, career, dreams, physiology, communication,  nature,  picnics, eating, passion … to be continued


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